Knotted Pile Rugs of 19th and early 20th Centuries from Caucasia: A Classification of Area, Shape Ratio, Density and Knot Ratio by Statistic
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Published: 13 September 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Area, shape ratio, density and knot ratio of knotted pile of Caucasian rugs of the 19th and early 20th century have been calculated from their dimension, density and knots number for Kazak, Gendje, Karabagh, Moghan, Talish, Daghestan, Kuba, Shirvan and Baku regions. Histograms have been used todescribe area, shape ratio, density and knot ratio distribution into the regions.
By dividing the regions intosouth-western (Kazak, Gendje, Karabagh, Moghan and Talish)and eastern (Daghestan, Kuba, Shirvan and Baku) sub-groups, area, shape ratio, density and knot ratio were normalized to 100. Most of the Caucasian rugs show area distribution within (0.0-5.0) sq.m.[94% for eastern and 93 % forsouth-western rugs] as well as shape form distribution within (1.0-3.4) [97% for south-western and the 100% of eastern rugs].
Differences between the two sub-groups were found in density and knot ratio.Rugs of south-western regions have density distribution within (400-1,999) knots per and knot ratio distribution within (0.6-1.8), eastern regions within (600 – 1,999) knots per and knot ratio distribution within (0.6 - 2.2).
Keywords: Pile rugs, Caucasia, Shape ratio, Density, Knot ratio, Kazak, Gendje, Karabagh, Moghan, Talish, Daghestan, Kuba, Shirvan, Baku.

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How to Cite
Gaetano Verani. (2019-09-13). "Knotted Pile Rugs of 19th and early 20th Centuries from Caucasia: A Classification of Area, Shape Ratio, Density and Knot Ratio by Statistic." *Volume 1*, 3, 37-43